To sponsor a Kiddush please email
[email protected] or call Meredith at 818-758-1818.
Mon. March 11th: Update from the Front Lines
March 17th - 21st: Solidarity Mission to Israel
Tues. April 2nd: Chabad of the Valley Celebration 50
Tuesday Nights: Reflections on the Parsha
Wed Nights: A Chassidishe Derher
Thurs Nights: Beis Medrash Learning
- Shabbos Morning: Inside Information - Chassidus on the
Click here for a comprehensive library of articles and discussions about this week's Parsha. Please remember to print them before Shabbos.
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- Friday afternoon Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos - 5:40 pm
- Chassidus Class - 9:15 am
- Shabbos morning Shacharis - 10:00 am
- Jr. Congregation - 11:45 am
- Shabbos Mincha -Immediately following Musaf
- Kiddush - following Mincha
Maariv - 6:45 pm
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Today is the 14th of Adar I. The 14th and 15th Adar I are known as Purim Katan (“Small Purim”) and Shushan Purim Katan (“Small Shushan Purim”) respectively. On these days, Tachanun (penitential prayers) are omitted, one doesn’t fast, and eulogies are generally
not made. The actual holdiays of Purim & Shushan Purim will be celebrated on the 14th and 15th of Adar II.
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There is no fee for this event but reservations are required
To reserve go to
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Click here to register

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Watch: Life Lessons from the Parsha
By Rabbi Joshua B. Gordon ob'm
Article Link
(click on the video below)
Because this year is a Jewish leap year, with an extra month of Adar, the holiday of Purim is not celebrated for another month, in Adar II. But that doesn’t mean we don’t get to celebrate this month too.
The 14th of Adar I is marked as Purim Katan, or “miniature Purim.” While we don’t read the megillah or have parties and share gifts of food, the date is still commemorated. It is an opportunity to remind ourselves of the meaning of the holiday of Purim, making the build up to the real thing even more exciting.
Purim famously celebrates the Jewish people’s victory over Haman and the antisemites of the day. They wanted to kill all Jews, and with Queen Esther’s intervention, the Jews were allowed to fight back and stand up to their enemies. With G-d’s help, not only did they succeed in fighting back, but they also established themselves as a power to be reckoned with, eventually leading to the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Mordechai, the leader of the Jewish people at the time, instilled within the Jews a sense of connection. Although they were spiritually deficient at the time, once Haman’s decree became known, Mordechai inspired the Jewish people to reconnect with their faith, reminding them that no matter how far from religion a Jew strays, there is always a path of return. And the miracle is that they listened
– the Jews took Mordechai’s words seriously, coming together as a community, ready to do whatever was necessary to maintain their national identity.
Because of Mordechai’s insistence that the Jewish spark is alive within every Jew, circumstances suddenly changed in their favor. Where there had been dread, there was now pride; where there had been sorrow, there was now joy; and where there had been fear, there was now absolute conviction in the righteousness of their cause.
May we continue to live up these ideals even in the most trying times, igniting Jewish pride despite what the world around us may say. And may we merit the ultimate victory, the redemption and the coming of Moshiach, may it be in our times!
Shabbat shalom,
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By the Numbers
13 Facts About Yiddish Every Jew Should Know
The lingua-franca of the Ashkenazi world includes elements of German, Hebrew, Aramaic, and more. |
Your Questions
Why Is Kaddish Said for 11 Months?
Children say Kaddish to assist the souls of their parents through divine judgment, which is as long as 12 months. |
Is Midrash for Real?
Torah, like any wisdom, has departments. You can’t study literature the same way you study biology, and you can’t critique poetry as you would journalism. So too, you can’t study one department of Torah the same as you study another. |
Shabbat Candle Lighting (Tetzaveh): |
Friday, Feb. 23
5:27 pm
Shabbat Ends: |
Shabbat, Feb. 24
6:28 pm
Shabbat Schedule
Friday Evening
Mincha - 5:40 pm
Shabbat Morning
Torah Class - 9:15 am
Latest Shema - 9:16 am
Shachris - 10:00 am
Jr. Cong - 11:45 am
Mincha - Following Musaf
Kiddush - Following Mincha
Motzei Shabbos
Shabbos Ends - 6:28 pm
Maariv - 6:45 pm
Weekly Schedule
Shacharis at Chabad of Encino
Sunday - 8:00 am
Monday - Friday - 7:00 am
Mincha at Chabad of Tarzana
Sunday - Thursday - 5:40 pm
Quote of the Day
The difference between a sports fan and a player on the team is that the fan who loses interest in the game, can leave in the middle. We can either regard ourselves as players on G-d's team, or as mere fans in the bleachers.
— The Lubavitcher Rebbe
Parshat Tetzaveh
The name of the Parshah, "Tetzaveh," means "Command" and it is found in Exodus 27:20.
G‑d tells
Moses to receive from the
children of Israel pure
olive oil to feed the “
everlasting flame” of the
menorah, which
Aaron is to kindle each day, “from evening till morning.”
priestly garments, to be worn by the
kohanim (priests) while serving in the
Sanctuary, are described. All kohanim wore: 1) the ketonet—a
full-length linen tunic; 2) michnasayim—linen breeches; 3) mitznefet or migba’at—a linen turban; 4) avnet—a long sash wound above the waist.
In addition, the
gadol (high priest) wore: 5) the
efod—an apron-like garment made of blue-, purple- and red-dyed wool, linen and gold thread; 6) the
choshen—a breastplate containing twelve precious stones inscribed with the names of the
twelve tribes of Israel; 7) the
me’il—a cloak of blue wool, with gold bells and decorative pomegranates on its
hem; 8) the
a golden plate worn on the forehead, bearing the inscription “Holy to G‑d.”
Tetzaveh also includes G‑d’s detailed instructions for the seven-day initiation of Aaron and his four sons—
Nadav, Avihu,
Elazar and
Itamar—into the priesthood, and for the making of the golden altar, on which the
ketoret (incense) was burned.
Tetzaveh in Depth
Tetzaveh Parshah Columnists
Devar Torah Q&A for Tetzaveh
Haftarah in a Nutshell
Tetzaveh Parshah Quiz